Girl Scouts

Troop 70150

Girl Scout Troop 70150 is a Brownie/Junior troop in Brookline, MA. These 2nd-4th graders have ties to schools across the district. Our troop started in 2019 and survived a year and a half of virtual and outdoor meetings, coming out stronger than ever.

This year we experienced horseback riding, canoeing, and camping for the first time and are looking forward to more outdoor experiences this year! Our Scouts also learned about the meaning of philanthropy and how to take action in their community, drawing attention to the Rescue Readers program at the MSPCA and starting campaigns to increase recycling in their communities.

We are excited to participate in Brookline First Light for the second time! We will be hosting a simple craft table, which is open to all and easy enough for our youngest visitors. At our table, you can also pre-order your favorite Girl Scout cookies for in-person delivery within the next few weeks.

To Pre-order for in-person delivery, please use this link between December 1 and December 4:

Link: ABCSmartCookies Virtual Booth

Want to try the new Raspberry Rally? Order cookies for direct shipping from:

Link: ABCSmartCookies Direct Shipping

Questions about buying cookies? Send an email to brooklinetroop70150+cookies [at]